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Post Charge Processes

What Is Disclosure?

Disclosure is the body of evidence the police have gathered during the course of their investigation into the charges against you. Once you have been charged, all this evidence is forwarded to the Crown Prosecutor’s office. The Crown Prosecutor is required to “disclose” all this information to you or your defence lawyer.  Beyond some minor limitations, you have a constitutionally protected right to review ...

What Happens On The First Court Appearance?

Very little happens at the first Court appearance. This will not be your trial date, and you will not be expected to take a substantive step on that date. If you do not have a lawyer, your charge will be read to you to ensure that you understand the allegations, and you will be given an opportunity to order disclosure from the Crown Prosecutor’s ...

I Was Told I Have To Go For Fingerprints. What Happens If I Do Not Go?

When you are arrested and released, you will typically receive documents that direct you to attend a police station for fingerprints, as well as documents that direct you to attend court on a particular date, place, and time. You must comply with all of the directions in these documents. Specifically, if you have received documents that indicate that you have to go to court, you ...

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